Beyond Black Friday: building a relationship with new eCommerce customers

Picked up new online customers during Black Friday? The relationship doesn't have to end when the sale does! 

Sales events are a great way to attract new customers to your website and get them to try your product or service. But what happens next? Don’t let the relationship end there! 

If you’re savvy about it, you can increase the value of these new customers by developing a post-sales cycle that encourages repeat purchases.

Every brand’s post-sales cycle will be different. Here are some ideas to inspire yours.

Acknowledge the sale and use content marketing to add value to the experience

Hopefully, you collect customers’ email addresses when they make a purchase on your eCommerce site and can use them to start developing a relationship with the customer. As a minimum, you can send them a “thank you” email to acknowledge the sale. 

Go a step further by offering them access to exclusive content or suggesting similar items that they may be interested in. You don’t want to go in too heavy-handed (remember these are new customers), instead offer them content that’s helpful or has value in some way.

Create custom audiences for social media ads

Previous customers’ email addresses can be used to create custom audiences for social media ads. This lets you craft a campaign that’s tailored around encouraging customers to come back to your website and exclude this audience from your prospecting campaigns. 

You may want to target previous customers by upselling related products, at times when they are likely to be interested in making a repeat purchase, when you’re running a relevant campaign or have another sales event coming up. Don’t forget to be GDPR compliant.

Remarket to them using the Google Display Network

Social media isn’t the only place for remarketing ads. If you have the right tracking set up, you can use Google’s Display Network to strategically keep your brand top of mind at relevant times and encourage people to revisit your site when they are likely to purchase again.

Similarly to social media, your Google Display Network remarketing ads can coincide with campaigns, sales events, or opportunities to upsell.

There are so many ways a brand can get more value from customers who converted during a sales event. Make sure your business doesn’t miss out! Hopefully, the ideas in this article have made you think about your post-sales cycle and whether there is scope to improve it.

If you want to get more out of social media or search advertising, I can help. Get in touch to find out how I can support businesses with everything from audits to full account management.


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